This is a training course conducted online using zoom presented in two sessions starting from 13h00 and ends at 16h00 Presented by – Professor Maritz
Prof Maritz’s involvement in standard form construction contracts started in 1993 when co-opted on the JBCC Technical Committee and was until recently intimately involved in the drafting process of the various editions published to date. His involvement includes the complete overhaul of the latest 6th Edition to bring it in line with modern international contracts such as the FIDIC, NEC, JCT, AS4000 and others.
After retiring from an academic career of more than 42 years at the University of Pretoria he was appointed as the CEO of the JBCC for a two-year contract period and his involvement in JBCC matters expanded to include the presentation of training seminars (public and in-house), providing contractual information via a Q&A service and the publication of Advisory Notes, etc., on JBCC’s website. His contract appointment expired on 1 March 2021
His involvement in model documentation for the construction industry also spans over many years. He was appointed on the Standard System Joint Committee in 1988 and was involved in the publication of various SMM Editions, the latest being the SMM 7th in 2015. Under his chairmanship a committee drafted and published the Model Bills of Quantities (widely used by all quantity surveying practices in South Africa) as well as the Model Bills of Quantities for Small and Simple Buildings. He has been the author and co-author of a number of handbooks for the profession, the latest being the book entitled JBCC 2020 and all that – A practical interpretation, 2nd Edition
He acts regularly as either and adjudicator, arbitrator, mediator or expert witness in alternative dispute resolution matters in the South African construction industry