Mrs Vikashnee Harbhajan

Director (MBSA)

Vikashnee Harbhajan is the Executive Director of Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal. She is an admitted Attorney and Conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa, holds a Masters degree in law and is currently enrolled for a PhD.  She also practiced as an attorney for her own account and held several senior positions, including  Director: Legal Services and Labour Relations at the Free State Department of Education, Programme Director at the  National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC) and  Executive Director: Social Policy at  Business Unity South Africa. She has served on the National Board for Further Education and Training (NBFET), Advisory Council for Occupational Health and Safety (ACOHS), South African Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS Board (SABCOHA), Wholesale and Retail SETA Board (WRSETA), Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) National stakeholder forum, Essential Services Committee (ESC), Equality Review Committee (ERC) and SACPCMP Transformation Committee. Vikashnee currently serves on the KwaZulu-Natal Human Resource Development Council, Master Builders South Africa Board, and is a Member of the Institute of Directors (IOD). Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal is also the Convener of Construction Alliance South Africa. Vikashnee was awarded the ASOCSA Leadership Award in 2016 for demonstrating consistent, ethical and exemplary leadership in the construction industry. She was also the recipient of the 2017 CEO Global – Africa’s most influential women in business and government Country Award, SADC Regional Award and the Africa Continental Award in the Agencies and Regulatory Authorities Sector. Vikashnee is a well-rounded, career- oriented wife and mum, holding provincial and national colours during her sporting career.